Paul Marciano is famously known as a co-founding member of the Guess Company which is a fashion line in Denim. It is after the migration of Paul Marciano from France that they were able to make a name in the fashion industry. The article highlights some of the facts that you should know about Paul Marciano LinkedIn.

 Paul Marciano was born in 1952 in Debdou which is in Morocco, and he was of Jewish descent. The family later shifted to France and was accompanied by his other siblings known as Georges, Armand, Maurice and Jacqueline. The family lived in an apartment that was located in a synagogue complex and him together with all his other brothers were members of the Jewish boy scouts.

When Marciano was about 15 years, he was involved in a horrible accident that involved his motorcycle and the oncoming vehicle. He spent some period of time on a wheelchair, and he was told by the doctors that he would be unable to get his ability to walk. After 18 months, he was able to gain control over his limbs and stood again on his feet. The accident had a more significant impact on his life since he was not accepted back in school due to long days of not being in the class.

After realizing that he could not be reabsorbed back into the school, he decided to go back to Israel in Kibbutz. After attaining the age of seventeen years, he went back to Marseille, in France and worked in jeans store as a salesman. On Saturdays and Sundays, he worked in a club checking coats together with his brother George and Maurice. George and Maurice started to manufacture ties while Paul could sell the made wares in Paris streets, find out more About Paul Marciano here. 

Paul and Maurice shifted to California in 1981 and began the customized clothing line known as GUESS in a store around Beverly Hills. The clothing brand gained wide acceptance after some of the customized designs were worn by the main actors in a famous movie.

Most of the designs done by the Paul Marciano and brothers come from the lifestyle that they observed in California. The designs are constantly changing, and that is why they consider the west coast style of wear which is being influenced by the lifestyle in California. Today GUESS is one of the major leading fashion lines in California, and Paul Marciano is the Executive chairman and the chief creative officer. For more information about biography, click on this link: